April 24, 2009, Palm Harbor, FloridaSharon Ellis and Doug English welcomed the birth of their daughter
Madison Jolie English. Madison is the granddaughter of Richard "and"
Joan Ellis of Monticello, Arkansas and Joel "and"
Cheryl English of Scottsdale, Arizona.
November 5, 2004 - Holyoke, Massachusetts
On Friday, November 5, 2004 - Mrs. Joan Kelly formerly Miss. Joan Bynan - daughter of Ida (Viamari) Losty/Bynan passed away at the Holyoke Hospital.
Joan's' brothers, Skip Losty, John Bynan and her sons, Gene Kelly, David Kelly and Jeffery Kelly were at her side when she passed away at
approximately 11:15 am that morning. Her wake was held on the following Monday at Messiers Funeral Home in Holyoke, Massachusetts on Northampton,
St., and her funeral service was attended on Tuesday, November 9, 2004.
October 24th, 2004
Eric O. Gingras, son of Shelley (Losty) Gingras "and" Omer Gingras, was baptized on Sunday October 24th at All Saint’s Episcopal Church in South Hadley,
Massachusetts. Witness to Eric's christening were his Godparents Timothy Losty and bride to be Miss. Nikki Rothfuss. Family members present were
Eric's grandparents Mr. James M. Losty, Mr. Omer Gingras Sr., Mrs. Shirley Gingras and his great grandparents, Mr. "Porky" DeRoy and Mrs. Clare
DeRoy. Also present was his Great Aunt Theresa (Losty) Chagnon, Great Uncle Thomas Losty, Great Uncle Melvin DeRoy and several of Shelley's cousins
ie: Mrs. Lucille (DeRoy) Losty's nieces and nephews. Also in attendance were the future in-laws of Timothy Losty, Mr. "and" Mrs. Rothfuss of Florida.
Losty Family Mystery Photo

.. if anyone has a copy of this photo or recognizes the people in the photo please contact us immediately. click here to view the mystery photo
Hurricane Ivan Update
September 17, 2004On September, 16th, Hurricane Ivan hit the nations southern states. Fortunately Ivan missed New Orleans where droves of people evacuated in fear of the floods expected from Ivan's impact. Patrick Baker who lives in Slidell, LA spoke with his grandmother, Mary Losty Burgess of Holyoke, Massachusetts and reported Ivan missed Slidell as well. Thankfully Patrick suffered no property damage and he is out of harms way. Unfortunately, the residences of Alabama were not so lucky. Weather radar images showed the entire State of Alabama covered by Ivan. We are blessed and thankful our relatives were unharmed and pray for those families who did suffer losses not only in property but also with their lives. webmaster/sle
Hurricane Ivan reaches US coast
Wed Sep 15 2004A state of emergency was declared in Florida, Louisiana and Alabama with traffic jams reported on many major roads heading out of the expected danger zone. Mary Losty Burgess of Holyoke, Massachusetts has a grandson who lives in Slidell, Louisiana which is 32 miles from New Orleans, Louisiana and in the direct path of Hurricane Ivan. Mary's grandson, Patrick and his family have not yet evacuated and we are praying for him and his family to find safe refugee from what is expected to be the worst Hurricane to hit the US, ever! Heavy rain and dangerous winds are lashing the southern states as the hurricane continues on its path of destruction from the Caribbean. The Category Five storm, one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to hit the Caribbean with maximum gusts of up to 195 mph, is the third hurricane to hit the US mainland in a month after hurricanes Frances and Charley. The hurricane has killed at least 68 people in a devastating run through Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
50 foot Surges have already been reported in Biloxi, Mississippi and the full force of Ivan has not yet hit land. Some meteorologists are predicting, Biloxi, Mississippi will be covered in water two stories high from these water surges. Residents from western Florida's Panhandle up to Louisiana have prepared for Ivan's 160 mph winds by boarding up houses and tying up boats. New Orleans residents have left in droves! In fact, hundreds of thousands of locals continue to flee their southern homes from Florida to Louisiana. Hurricane Ivan has varied from a category 5, lowered to a 3 and just before the outter winds of the Hurricane began to skim the coastline Ivan was raised back up to a category 4 Hurricane. 397 miles north of Patrick's home in Slidell, LA is Monticello, Arkansas where Joan Losty Ellis' and her family live. We do not anticipate water surges or high winds but are preparing for the sever thunderstorms that may reach us depending on Ivan's path once it hits land. Sharon Ellis has been corresponding with Mary and has left word with Patrick via, his Grandmother, Mary Losty Burgess, the doors to our homes are open for her grandson and family if they decide to evacuate and we pray they are able to get out. Hurricane Ivan is expected to hit land sometime early morning hours before 3 a.m. on September 16th, 2004 which is only 8 hours from now. God Bless them and keep them safe. webmaster/sle - 09/15/2004
Clearwater, Florida
Electronic Message from Karen Russell Saia September 7, 2004Delina Russell Losty's great niece, Karen 'Russell' Saia lives in Clearwater, Florida which was hit by Hurricane Francis. In fact, the entire state was hit by the category 3 Hurricane seen in the adjacent photo . Karen wrote to Joan Losty Ellis who lives in Monticello, Arkansas, by way of a friends computer and reported she was out of harms way but has been without power for three days.
Clearwater, Florida
Electronic Message from Karen Russell Saia September 8, 2004"We are home now after being away for 4 days without power due to Hurricane Frances. We are okay for now. We lost some food from the fridge and freezer but our close friends came to our rescue with extra freezer space and a couple of futons in their rec. room. Cannot say how well we fared though -- right on our heels is Hurricane Ivan and as I understand it this one is worse than Hurricane Frances. Already it is a category 5 storm. It is currently headed straight for the Florida Keys, which does NOT eliminate us in any way. We hope and pray for anyone who is in the path of that storm, as it is very destructive. After seeing what can happen first hand, I am NOT ready to go through another one. We are busy trying to put our home back together again - get a week's worth of laundry - clean up the mess we left in haste behind us and try and mentally calm down. The calming down part will take a while. I was caught without being able to access my home because there was no power to operate the elevator. I am not physically able to climb three stories worth of stairs. I did, however, try it one time and was successful. It took me 45 minutes to make the climb, and I had to stop and sit on the stairs twice during that time. It exasperated me so badly that I just sat on the steps and began to cry my heart out. I couldn't go up, and I couldn't go down. I was so afraid of having to have the fire dept be called to finish moving me. So, once I got down ... I stayed with my friend who made me comfortable in her home. Now I am officially registered with the American Red Cross and the EOC as a person with "special needs". That means if there is another evacuation, I will go first to a special needs shelter. Will catch up with all the details later. Karen ...... Karen Saia's father is William A. Russell
July 27th, 2004On July 27th, 2004, James Michael Losty became the newest Grandpa Losty in our Family. He was blessed with the birth of his first grandchild - Eric Omer Gingras "He has a full head of hair and beautiful blue eyes" - Grandpa Jim Losty 7/27/04
Name: Eric Omer Gingras
- Date: 7/27/04
- Time: 6:34 PM
- Place: Baystate Medical Center
- Weight: 7lbs 15oz
- Length: 21 inches
Parents: Shelley Losty Gingras and Omer Gingras of South Hadley Massachusetts.

"Shelley began labor around 7:00 AM yesterday. She and Omer arrived at Baystate Medical Center around 9:00 AM. Shelley had real strong labor pains and things looked liked they were going to happen fairly quickly. Her labor pain became pretty intense and she opted for an epidural. She quickly moved to 9cm dilated but the baby stopped moving down into the birth canal. After about another four or five hours, the doctors and Shelley both agreed that she should have a C Section. The doctors didn't want her pushing any longer. Eric was delivered at 6:34 p.m. - weighing in at 7lbs and 15oz. He was 21 inches in height and both he and his mother Shelley are doing 100% fine. After seeing the baby we left the hospital around 9:15." Jim Losty
Eric's father Omer and Grandfather Jim Losty were also noted doing well after the long day.
Present at the hospital were Omer's parents - Omer and Shirley Gingras, Shelley's father - James Michael Losty, and her brother -
Timothy Losty and financee' Nikki Rothfuss.

Timothy J. Losty (son of James M. Losty and Lucille Annette DeRoy Losty of South Hadley Massachusetts) and Miss. Nikki Rothfuss (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rothfuss of Miami, Florida) met a year and a half ago when Nikki made a career move and landed in Springfield Massachusetts. Nikki is an Occupational Therapist and specializes in the hands. Tim and Nikki became engaged in May of 2004 and are planning to be united during the spring of 2005. Tim is a senior sales executive for Kohler and is the great great great grandson of John Losty of Kildare Ireland. Congratulations Tim and Nikki !!
The United States Academic Award
James M. Ellis, son of Joan Losty Ellis and Henry Richard Ellis, was 1 of only 10% of the high level academic students in the nation to be nominated for The United States Academic Achievement Award. Congratulations Jim !! Jim is the great great great grandson of John Losty of Kildare Ireland.

During March of 2004 Shelley and Omer learned they are expecting a healthy baby boy due to arrive in 8 weeks.
St. Patrick's Day
Mary Losty Burgess of Holyoke Massachusetts, and daughter, Kathy, will be visiting Kathy's son Patrick in New Orleans from March 13th - 20th 2004.
In The NEWS. . .

ESPN 2003 Jim Losty of South Hadley, Massachusetts, sunk a hole-in-one during a charity golf tournament at the Edgewood Country Club in Southwick, Massachusetts and was featured on ESPN. Jim Losty graciously donated his $1000 dollar prize to the Richard E. Fiore Memorial Scholarship. Jim is on the left in the photo below. read the article
Unsolved Mysteries - Find out who we are looking for and if You can solve the mystery
Earl 'Skip' Losty Jr. runs for City Counsil in (city) Massachusetts.
Claire Losty Luis, daughter of William Burns Losty and Irene Bresnahan, passed away in 1999 in Montclair, California. Read about Claire's life.
Memphis, Tennessee
Sharon Ellis and James Pevy welcomed the birth of their son Jared in 1999.
Jared shares the same Birth Day as his Great Grandmother Rita Benoit Losty.
San Pedro, California
William Mathew Losty Captures Spy 1936
by Sharon Ellis 02/11/04
Last year, TheLostys.com domain was acquired and since then we have accomplished a great deal. I am very happy to announce every Losty
family member that has been located has shown a great interest in the site and as a result of their interest, more information has been collected
than ever anticipated.
When we first began, in 2002, it was unclear how much information we would find on our ancestors. Mother and I started our search with Matthew J. Losty born in Kildare County Ireland in 1855. We knew who Matthew's parents were (John and Julia Losty) so we began tracing Matthew's life back year by year until we located his mother's arrival in the U.S. Upon the discovery of the "New York 'Cultivator' Passenger Manifest", which lists John Losty's family arriving in 1863, we discovered, John Losty had died in Ireland and it was only his wife and children who immigrated to the U.S. as noted on this manifest. Following that great discovery was , John and Julia's daughters, (Mary and Bridget) baptismal records. This discovery narrowed our search within Kildare County to Halverstown and Green towns within Naas. We are currently searching those areas for additional information in the hope we will discover more information about the Losty Family History. During our search for John and Julia and their family we uncovered quite a lot of information about a man named Patrick Losty who immigrated to the US in 1843 with his widowed mother Mary Jane Losty. Based upon numerous circumstances, we have concluded that Patrick Losty is the brother to John Losty. This conclusion is based upon the verbal testimony of Mathew's Granddaughter, Mary Losty Burgess who recalls visiting cousins in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts which is where Patrick Losty's family lived. Other evidence supporting our claim is - Upon the death of John Losty's daughter, surviving relatives listed her father as being Patrick Losty. We also have verbal testimony from Mrs. John E. Losty (Tilly) when asked where "the old man Losty" was buried she replied in the Berkshire Hills. Well we know that Patrick is buried there but John isn't, John died in Ireland. So based upon these and other circumstantial evidence we have collected, we believe Patrick stood in as a father figure to his brother John's children, specifically Bridget as she had never known her father. She left Ireland when she was a year old. This is just a few of the circumstances that have lead us to conclude that Patrick and John are brothers. Another most recent discovery is upon the headstone of Mary Jane Losty, in Pittsfield, MA gives her hometown as Halverstown, same as where Bridget Losty, (John and Julia's daughter) was baptized and John and Julia's daughter Mary J. Losty is also buried in Pittsfield.

So, as you can see from this summary regarding the connections between Patrick and John, we can safely conclude they are in fact brothers. All of the connections made between Patrick's family and John's family is either already included in the Illustrated Narrative on our site, or will be added as the site is built.
Mother and I never expected to gather so much information and the search isn't over. What a treasure it is for those who long to remember and those who want to learn about their family history. A huge thanks to everyone for helping create this wonderful gift for all of our children. Kisses, Hugs and Love for everyone!!